
Tropical Fun Day Event was at Cornford House on Friday 1st May!

Tropical fun day at Cornford House

We had great fun, lots of exotic fruit, cocktails (both with and without a little chilled wine) and great fun watching staff in grass skirts trying to replicate a “Hawaiian dance”.

With the help of the Manager’s Granddaughter Abby, we designed our very own poster encouraging everyone to “Wave for Cornford House”. Residents and staff have been great throughout the long weeks of “Lock Down” so we thought we should advertise our logo colours alongside the support for NHS and our Community partners.

Tropical fun day poster at Cornford House

We have all had some lovely gifts of cards, letters, photos and poems from families and friends, one of our Volunteers wrote a wonderful poem called “Lock Down” and local community ladies groups have produced brightly coloured scrubs, surgical gowns and masks to supplement our stock of PPE and help us to” Stay Safe!” Very much appreciated and enjoyed by all were the lovely sweetie hampers and perfumed sprays, the luxury hand gel and wonderful hand cream. Lots of lovely resident photos to share and Skype with their family and friends.

Staff dressed up for tropical fun day at Cornford House


I’m stuck indoors but that’s o.k.
I’ll make a list to do each day.
Clean the oven, wash the nets
Dig the garden, now what’s next?
Dust and hoover, mop the floors
Sort the cupboards, tidy drawers.
Wash the curtains, windows too
What a lot of things to do!!
But what is it they always say?
Tomorrow is another day.
So I’ll phone a friend and have a talk
And I’m allowed to take one walk,
Watching nature along the way
On a glorious summer day.
Celandines and primrose yellow
Bluebells, violets and marsh- mallow.
The early birds will tweet and twitter
While bees and insects buzz and flitter
They are not upset or worried,
They know nature can’t be hurried.
I’ll take my cue from them and say.
Tomorrow is another day.
And did I get my list complete?
You bet I did, for when I’m free
I’ll meet my friends for cake and tea.
By Brenda

Thank you all so much, Lorraine and Cornford Team.

Staff at Cornford House on Tropical Fun Day

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