
Lockdown  E-a-s-i-n-g

Schools are open, oh what joy
For every year six, girl and boy.
People going back to work
Car showrooms open!…now that’s a perk!

So why don’t I feel really pleased
Now that Lockdown starts to ease?
I’m happy at home inside my bubble
Keeping safe and out of trouble.

We need to take some careful steps
Visit shops, take pets to vets,
Meeting up in threes and fours
But only if we stay outdoors.

So, taking steps towards that end
I went to meet up with a friend,
In her garden, two metres apart.
At least we felt we had made a start.

It was good we could finally meet up
(But I took my tea in reuseable cup )!

The papers are all about finding an exit And we thought we had enough trouble with Brexit!!


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